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A poetic documentary about our creative journey together.

How everything started for Kyano Studio.

We are Dora and Charles.

Everything started when we found each other. We were meant to create together and through our passion, love and creativity we gave birth to Kyano. Exploring life together, travelling to magical places, and connecting with mother nature, are the elements that feed our souls.

Our creative journey started somewhere in the Mediterranean sea.

We flaw high above clouds and majestic mountains.

We dove deep into cold waters, roaring rivers and blue oceans.

We knelt down to humbly observe the smallest of creatures.

We saw the land boiling and smoking but also covered by tones of ice.

We saw nature transform, bloom and grow.

We paused to breathe and connect with our planet earth.

We take it all in and we capture the striking beauty that surrounds us through the cyanotype technique.

Cyanotype photography is similar to poetry for us. It conveys all the words we are unable to express.

The deep Prussian blue opens the door to a parallel world and adds a mystical element to the subject. This monochromatic effect invites the eye to rest and wander to imaginary worlds.

We invite you to escape reality and find peace and beauty through this powerful color.

Kyano creative studio based in Paris

If you are curious to learn more about our art check out our collections here

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